01-16-2025 LITTLE SU 50K LOTTERY
We have 3 spots available in the Little Su 50K race (not applicable in the Susitna 100).
The waitlist is open until Monday, Jan 20th at noon. We'll do a lottery drawing from the list later that day.
01/01/2025 - SUSITNA 100 COURSE CHANGE / 2025
Due to closure of Eagle Quest Lodge we have a new SU100 race course to include the Willow Community Center as a checkpoint.
This required some major course changes and updated cutoff times for the last three checkpoints.
5-Star and the Hunter Loop (now called Home Stretch) checkpoints are at new locations.
On the home page, under the Susitna 100 tab, see the Course Description, Map and Race Rules (time limits) for more information.
Required Gear Rule Change
The AK Winter Wilderness Races Board adopted a minor rule change to the Susitna 100 required gear a racer must carry.