Little Su 50 Race Rules

50K Race

Little Su 50K racers are invited to attend the gear check meeting. This meeting is mandatory for the SU100 racers but optional for the Little Su 50K racers.

Day of Race Sign In

start feathered

Each racer must see the Race Officials at the Race HQ and "officially" sign-in to declare their division (mode of transportation). Sign in will begin at 7:15AM.

Any racer who has not signed in by 8:45AM must wait until after the race start to sign in.

Race starts at 9:00am


All racers must be 18 years old by the day of the race unless approved by the Board of Directors.


Any racer with a dog on the course will be disqualified. Please do not bring your pets to the race! The race start/finish is at Happy Trails Kennels – this is a working Iditarod dog team kennel. We are guests of this business and must be considerate!

Phone Calls

We know you have friends and family who want to track your progress during the race. Please ask them to do so via the website, which will be updated with results throughout the race if weather and conditions allow. During the race, our phones are used to contact checkpoints and facilitate racer safety. If a true emergency arises, and someone must contact a racer or race personnel, then this number may be used: 907-232-2553. In the history of the race, only four or five such situations have arisen. Events such as death in the family or imminent birth of a child come to mind. Arranging post-race transportation is NOT an emergency.

Please do not call any of the checkpoints including Happy Trails Kennel or EagleQuest Lodge.

Required Gear

  • bikers lunch feathered2 quart insulated water container
  • Headlamp or flashlight
  • Rear flashing light
The three items listed above are all that are required for 50K racers. However, personal safety and comfort suggest you probably will choose to take additional gear. Water will be available at the half-way water stop. Racers are responsible for their own food.

Litter/Used or Wet Gear

  • Racers will be disqualified for littering.
  • Racers are not allowed to leave wet or discarded clothing or gear at any checkpoint.

If you start with it, you finish with it.

No Outside Help

  • Racers may only accept help from officials or other racers.
  • Racers are not allowed to accept any help from a race official that advances that racer along the course.


  • 50K racers need to have their bib numbers visible for checkers at the half-way water stop.
  • Any racer who misses a checkpoint will be disqualified.
  • Non-racers who are on the course to follow racers (or for any other reason) are not permitted in checkpoints.

Race Route

  • Racers must follow the marked race route (no short cuts).

Time Limits

Total time allowed for the 50K race is 12 hours.
